30 januari 2018
Vår läkare Karin Lodin disputerar! Titeln på doktorsavhandlingen är Inflammation and subjective health : the role of sickness behaviour och disputationen sker kl 9:00 den 22 februari i Sal H3, Alfred Nobels allé 23, Campus Flemingsberg, Institutionen för neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, Karolinska Institutet.
“In this thesis, new knowledge is gathered to understand the underpinnings and interrelations between self-rated health, sickness behaviour and inflammation. More sickness behaviour emerged as a more consistent determinant of poor self-rated health compared to inflammatory markers, for which mixed results were found. The results of the thesis highlight the role of sickness behaviour in subjective health perception.”
Avhandling: Inflammation and subjective health : the role of sickness behaviour
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